Much has happened in the last year. Let’s go:

  1. In February, I started a new job at Join
  2. In March I acquired a new motorcycle, a snazzy BMW K1300s (pictured below)
  3. In April I became engaged to the love of my life (she asked me)
  4. In June we moved apartments (still in San Francisco, still shedding tears when I think about rent)
  5. In August I started work on a new project around neural network accelerator chips
  6. In November I gave a talk about it at a conference


Looking forward, I often struggle to know when something is done and ready to be valuable to other people. There’s always a little bit more perfection to attain, but the flawed work you have is better than the perfect work you’ll never quite reach simply because it actually exists. So I’m challenging myself to put my work out there earlier, before I think it’s 100% done. In that vein, I’m going to post shorter, rougher thoughts here on a monthly basis.